May 28, 2015 | By Jeanne Ferris | Filed in: Jeanne Ferris.



Across the Colorado River basin—throughout all 7 states—over 75% of the water diverted out of the Colorado River is for agriculture.

In some states like Colorado, nearly 90% is diverted out for agriculture, with a significant portion of that used for growing hay and corn which is fed to cattle in “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations” (CAFOs, also known as feedlots) and then the animals go to slaughterhouses where the meat is shipped all over the planet.

Further, some of the hay that is grown in Imperial Irrigation District of Southern California as well as in all of the seven states is shipped to China to feed the burgeoning dairy industry there. Making this even more problematic is that the hay is often shipped free of charge in the ginormous container ships that come tot the U.S. loaded with Chinese retail merchandise and would otherwise go back to China empty.

We already know that the amount of water needed to produce one hamburger is also ginormous compared to the amount of water to support a vegetarian diet. As always, PETA has long advocated a vegan diet which would use less water.”

Gary Wockner, PhD

Campaign Coordinator – Save the Colorado River Campain

I drove through Brentwood, Los Angeles the other day and what do you think I saw?

Green, green grass on all the mansions front lawns.

Yeah. Some people simply don’t care about the badge of honor: brown grass. Kind of like not caring about carrying the poop bag for your dog walks…

And what ever you may think of PETA or meat—-You gotta love Pamela Anderson’s dedication to a vegan diet!



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