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Rest in Peace, Pops

June 24th, 2013

April 20, 1920 ~ June 24, 2013

Your love of life, dance and family will be missed dearly at all gatherings.

We love you up to God.  See you in heaven.  We know the angels are happy to have you back.


Happy Summer Solstice

June 21st, 2013

One of my favorite seasons for fruits and dining.  Everything feels lighter–sunnier.  My plums are just now ripening although late this year. Everything seems later.  The butterflies have not been so prolific but the hummingbirds have been quite busy.  The world spins and the tides continue.  Been waiting for:

  • The “hit song” of summer.
  • A tangible miracle to manifest (like a happy ending to my tome).
  • Are we there yet?  The end of Obamination!
  • Pops to be happy and pain-free.

Watching someone physically and mentally leaving earth is like “Ferberizing” a baby.  You want to pick them up and comfort them but you know it doesn’t help.  Sometimes a good cry is liberating.  Mostly for us.  Freeing.  And it releases endorphins which help with healing and depression.  We the living can never know what they see or hear till we ourselves are at heaven’s door.  God bless Pops—may the angels free him from the ties which hold him here.




May 10th, 2013


One more word:


Who’s looking out for us in Washington when they are too busy looking out for themselves?


Hillary Needs to Hang it Up. Really.

May 7th, 2013

Okay.  Tomorrow is the big day when the magnifying glass is held up on Obama and Clinton regarding the death of the Libyan ambassador and three other Americans.  And why the complete lack of protection and security at the consulate.

If Ambassador Chris Stevens were my husband, I would bring a wrongful death lawsuit against Obama and Clinton personally.  Obviously, their unified public persona is all about damage control.  And the three days after the Libyan tragedy when she fell and hurt her head felt awfully convenient.  Who could possibly malign someone who is sick and in the hospital?  Poor thing.

Really?  Forget about the 2016 campaign Hillary.  HANG IT UP!

  • You were living testimony to Tammy Wynette’s “Stand by Your Man” during your husband’s infamous cigar/Lewinsky fracas  (But we all know you were not about to give up the West Wing stationary).
  • You magnanimously conceded the presidential campaign for the moment and accepted the Secretary of State (s.o.s.) post (making Madeline Albright the second most useless s.o.s.).
  • Everything you do and say feels calculated and contrived for public consumption and management.
  • Even though you are a woman and have made great strides for the American woman in politics—I don’t aspire to be like you nor do you have my vote.  Ever.
  • You are a power hungry machine and if you were a man, I would still say the same thing.

May the four Americans who died at the Libyan consulate in Benghazi —R.I.P.  God Bless you and your families.



Governor Brown’s 35 mile “twin tunnels”

April 17th, 2013

It’s bad enough we live at the other end of California buying overpriced truckloads of water to supplement our reservoir from the Goliath: Metropolitan Water District who themselves sucked Owen Valley dry…now we (David) are going to get taxed  for sucking the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta dry.  Hmm.

I wonder who’s going to pay for it? Yup.  You and me.  That’s who.  Here are the facts:

  • 14 billion price tag for an already broke state
  • Twin tunnels will eventually dry up the Delta and all environmental treasures lost forever
  • California has hundreds of fault-lines
  • Metropolitan Water District continues as a feudal water Read the rest of this entry »

Ahh…pockets full of posies

April 2nd, 2013

Don’t you just love spring?  The ravens have been flying overhead with pine needles in their beaks for nests and yellow daisies have been emerging in full bloom.

On the other hand, my dog needs her itchy medicine (allergies) and the cats have been crazy like banshees with spring fever. Even the parakeet has been sharpening his beak for a dance he will never attend (he’s permanently single).  As I walk past piles of dog doo while walking Itchy, — some lazy ass owner simply cannot be bothered to bend down and pick up his/her dog’s damn poo and carry it home to a garbage can (Even still today?  REALLY?!) —and then I hear: THE HUMMER. Its a 24/7 AT&T generator with its own address implanted down the street in front of a residence.  The only thing missing is its own mailbox.  AT&T pays SDGE to run it 24/7.  Huh?

We are surrounded by EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies), LMF’s and bombarded by wireless, hardwire and cellular.  Yeah. No wonder people are coming down with mysterious tumors, cancers and  what not.  And yet, information still isn’t coming through fast enough to download, upload, face me, face you, tweet tweet, whatever.  Plug in, unplug, extend.  Rage against the machines. More than ever.  And against those lazy dog owners.

Ahh.  But Spring.  It still reigns.  Even THE HUMMER can’t bring it down.  Or me.



An Irish Blessing

March 13th, 2013

May the road rise to meet you.  May the wind be always at your back.  May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields.  And until we meet again, may God continue to hold you in the palm of his hand.

No, I haven’t joined a nunnery…but sometimes a retreat would be so simple.—Especially in Ireland!


Hail Mary…

February 13th, 2013

…full of grace.  I find myself invoking her name daily—at all hours.  When I’m sad, mad, or glad.

She is the intercessor to God.  I have questioned her meter as ‘metaMother’ and she has always answered me.  Pity the fool who cannot believe in grace or chooses not to.  How less colorful the world would be without it.

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.  Regardless of your belief…or even no belief?!  Which this idea always leaves me in disbelief.


Peace is, was and always will be the new black!

January 11th, 2013

May 2013 be an astonishing and amazing year for everyone.

Be well.  Breathe deeply.  And throw caution to the wind —make sure the wind is at your back though 🙂

Eat the last piece of pie but save the last bite for someone you love.

The tome still lives…




October 10th, 2012

I LOVE this new Bond theme!  It has the retro sound of Goldfinger and I’m sure Skyfall will have the same fabulous entertainment of vintage EON productions brought into the present with Daniel Craig’s portrayal and Barbara Broccoli’s infusion.

As an Ian Fleming fan from childhood (13)—I have faithfully followed the metamorphosis of the cinematic movies (intensely disliked the buffoonery of Roger Moore) and I absolutely approve of Daniel Craig, an amazing actor and an uncanny embodiment of 007’s personality (from the book).  Unfortunately, with no Cold War and the current volatile political situation in the world—we can’t even portray the real bad guys without starting World War III.

Here’s to escapism!!
