Songs are written about the freedom from school schedules and structure of homework. More often, heavy metal rock rebellion lyrics than fond recollections. They should have renamed homework–homefun–who wants homework? For those empty nesters, the lack of structure and “busyness” of chauffering, monitering, and policing kids can suddenly be so void of a schedule, I imagine it is much like retirement–the constancy of tactile connection and being on call is replaced hopefully, with more creative endeavors and perhaps, a reconnection of a marital relationship set aside for more immediate needs of child rearing and “dividing and conquering” when the whole family unit cannot support mini-CEO’s and their extra curricular sports activities.
Yes, I am still re-writing —albeit in a daily cloud of fluctuating uncertainty and arrogant assurance in what I have to say matters. Or not. But who cares?! I am living my dream.