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October 10th, 2012

I LOVE this new Bond theme!  It has the retro sound of Goldfinger and I’m sure Skyfall will have the same fabulous entertainment of vintage EON productions brought into the present with Daniel Craig’s portrayal and Barbara Broccoli’s infusion.

As an Ian Fleming fan from childhood (13)—I have faithfully followed the metamorphosis of the cinematic movies (intensely disliked the buffoonery of Roger Moore) and I absolutely approve of Daniel Craig, an amazing actor and an uncanny embodiment of 007’s personality (from the book).  Unfortunately, with no Cold War and the current volatile political situation in the world—we can’t even portray the real bad guys without starting World War III.

Here’s to escapism!!




June 1st, 2012

Songs are written about the freedom from school schedules and structure of homework.  More often, heavy metal rock rebellion lyrics than fond recollections.  They should have renamed homework–homefun–who wants homework?  For those empty nesters, the lack of structure and “busyness” of chauffering, monitering, and policing kids can suddenly be so void of a schedule, I imagine it is much like retirement–the constancy of tactile connection and being on call is replaced hopefully, with more creative endeavors and perhaps, a reconnection of a marital relationship set aside for more immediate needs of child rearing and “dividing and conquering” when the whole family unit cannot support mini-CEO’s and their extra curricular sports activities.

Yes, I am still re-writing —albeit in a daily cloud of fluctuating uncertainty and arrogant assurance in what I have to say matters.  Or not.  But who cares?!  I am living my dream.




March 22nd, 2012

I see crows in my garden digging for grub…I smell the mock orange trees wafting their intoxicating scent…I taste the early fruits of spring in the local strawberries…and I reach for whites, yellows and pinks in my wardrobe to reflect the sun and posies.

Out come the dusty Easter eggs collected  over the years as the world celebrates a new season.  Out go old stuff like, broken appliances, toys never played with and even my taste in music changes with the spring equinox.

Still at work on my tome of written words—a complex subject water is.  To write simply is always a challenge.  Every word is agonized over and self-editing is eternal.  As always, stay tuned my friends!


A peaceful 2012 greeting to all.

January 3rd, 2012

A dear friend (yes, you Kim!) gave me a gentle admonishing for not updating my latest news—I have been so focused on my book proposal, it has not been on my immediate to do list.  Plus, the holidays were so fraught with wrapping paper, stocking stuffers, and many, many ‘cups o’cheer’ that, laziness has become my favorite companion.

In a few weeks, I am heading up to one of favorite my power spots on the planet (Mt. Shasta) to continue research for my novel, which, has been like a neglected lover ever present on my mind.  My generous sponsor, Jennifer, is gifting me  a plane ticket and lodging for my birthday.  I plan on completing my outline in the inspirational shadow of the great mountain while recharging my spiritual batteries.

The eternal quest for peace continues to be my most needed goal for 2012.  Inner emotional balance and deep, deep breaths of pure oxygen is the only way I can seem to touch and capture this elusive character.  Yoga helps.

I wish you peace of mind.  I wish you joy in the small things like the ability to SEE a beautiful sunset…SMELL fresh baked chocolate chip cookies…HEAR your child’s laughter…TOUCH a loved one’s face…WALK in beauty.


Happy Thanksgiving.

November 28th, 2011

Thanksgiving is truly an American holiday without all the pressures of political correctness and consumerism.  I do enjoy the freedom from all of those trappings.  We are fast approaching winter and all the celebratory holidays.

Good health is always paramount to any Christmas wish I may secretly harbor while living in this material world.  As always, I also pray for inner peace for my loved ones and myself.

I also pray for a sense of humor in the face of cranky morning road rage.

Stay tuned, my friends.



September 11th, 2011

A harvest full moon rising with a setting sun is always spectacular and which reminds me– God is in all the moments and actions we have and do. To stretch our arms out and feel the warmth of the sun in the west and look at the perfect coolness of the moon fills my heart with pleasure and satisfaction to be here.
God bless you, my dear family and friends.

Wow.  School is here and we are still barbecuing.  Just a few more weeks of daylight saving sunsets and sunrises…as promised, here is an easy and yummy recipe created by my dear friend, Jennifer– a surprising twist on the delicious and juicy summer fruits.


  • 1 pint blueberries
  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and coarsely chopped
  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 2 medium white peaches, or white nectarines, chopped
  • 4 cups raspberry or cranberry juice (made from concentrate)
  • juice of 1/2 fresh Meyer lemon
  • 1 teaspoon (TSP) cinnamon
  • 1/2 TSP ground allspice
  • 1/4 TSP ground nutmeg
  • brown sugar, to taste
  • sliced strawberries & 1 cup whole blueberries for garnish
  • Combine all the ingredients except the last two in a large soup pot.  Bring to a full boil, then cover and simmer over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes, or until fruit is tender.  Taste to see whether a bit more sweetness and add more brown sugar accordingly.  Allow the soup to cool, then chill thoroughly.  Garnish each serving with a few slices of strawberries and blueberries.  Can be served as an appetizer as well.  Bon Apetit.
  • Preparation: 20 minutes
  • Serves: 6

Stay tuned for more my friends,
